Neor Lake

Neor Lake is located in a hilly area south of the Iranian Province of Ardabil, 48 km. southeast of the city of Ardabil, in an altitude of 2,700 m. above sea level. Its depth is approximately 5 meters in the middle. Total area of this lake is about 2,200 m². It is composed of a smaller and a larger basin, which gets connected in rainy seasons forming a single lake. Rainfall is the main source of water springs and lakes input.

The Neor Lake is the habitat of rainbow trout and birds such as ruddy shelduck and migrant swallows. Sports, fishing and other recreational activities are common and popular at this site. Every year, the a certain amount of young rainbow trout fishes are released in lakes and in September an entertaining “Fishing contest" is held.



Central office

Unit 3, No. 26, Kavoosi Alley, Vazirpoor St., Madar Sq., Mirdamad Blv., Tehran, Iran

+98 21 22261002-03
+98 21 22261375-76
+98 912 159 1013
+34 628 010 644

+98 21 22272199