
This 1589ha area which was gesignated protected area in 1971, was manage as national park during the period of 1976-1982. The region is a mountainous area located in North Khorasan provicing bordering Turkmenistan. The altitude range of 1400-2900m, mean annual temperature and precipitation of 8 C and 450 mm,respectively, have resulted in temperate Meditarranean climate in the region. Most of the area is covered with well-naturally regenerated juniper forests growing denser from the east to the west.sarany is considered a genetic reserve for juniper an urials. Over 160 plant and 120 animal species have been identified in the region. Species such as almond, fig, black thorn, berberry, astragal, wormwood, prickly thrift, sheep’s fescus,Saint John’s wort, borage and stiff-hair wheat grass plus juniper form the main vegetation cover of the region. The main animal species are urial,wild goat, leopard, wild cat, wild boar, Pallas’s cat, stone marten, Indian crested porcupine, Euphrates jerboa, snow vole, afghan pika, lesser mouse-eared bat, cape hare, chukar partridge, Caspian snowcock, see-see partridge, kestrel, lark, sandgrouse, finch, Caspian pond turtle, central Asian tortoise, Kukri snake , saw-scaled viper, Schmidtis whip snake, Persian horned viper cobra and desert dancer. High animal and plant biodiversity, numerous springs and beautiful deep valleys have encouraged scientific, research and tourist activities in the region.